We DO NOT take the following:
* No aerosols/inhalers
* No syringes or sharps
* No liquids
* No gels/creams or powders
How to dispose of aerosols, syringes and sharps: According to the “Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal” in the state of Arizona you can place used needles/pen needles/sharps in a household container (e.g. liquid laundry detergent container, bleach container) with a screw-top lid. When the container is more then half-full of needles/sharps put the lid on it and write on the container, “DO NOT RECYCLE”, then place it in your regular garbage.
NOTE: If you have your sharps in a red sharps container, these containers are typically NOT permitted in the regular garbage because they are marked BIO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. Bio hazardous material is not allowed in the household garbage. In this case, it’s the actual container that is not permitted – not the sharps.
For more information on safe needle disposal please go to http://www.safeneedledisposal.org or call 1-800-643-1643.